Hello, Mel here.
So you are probably wondering where is the CC you just linked from Tumblr is right?. Don't worry it is here :)
I have updated my website and given it a complete revamp to make it easier to not only Download my Custom Content but to also upload for myself.
All custom content that has been released in 2018 to present is now available on the new home tab "CUSTOM CONTENT" Which is in the style of a blog so its easy to navigate and Download the items you desire from my creation collections.
All Past CC from before my first tumblr was deactivated can be found in the "ARCHIVE CC" Tab. which is CC dating back from 2016
I apologise you have been redirect to a different page but it was either a 404 error missing page or this ;)
Please note Before you continue to do what you came here for, Please understand all CC goes through Adfly. If CC does not download make sure your ad-blocker is turned off because that will stop you from going through to Simfileshare. But as usual if you have any concerns or issues don't hesitate to contact me on any of my social media
Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy the CC